Challenge Anneka Team - Visit Luton

AFVBC Luton Challenge Anneka Visit Group Photo's

The Luton & District Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club were invited by the Challenge Anneka team, to get involved with a challenge they had been set here in Luton for the Luton Sea and Royal Marine Cadets, the Challenge was to come up with a design, a name and also an understanding about what Medals stand for, as well as striking a special medal that would be awarded to one of the Cadets for an outstanding achievement in the previous 12 months.

In addition, there was a refurbishment of the training facilities at T.S. Keyes, which included a complete overhaul of their overnight accommodation, as well as a new Jetty for launching some training boats and Canoes, etc, not to mention a large amount of equipment to help with this too.

The Luton Breakfast Club was involved on day 1 when 10 of our group plus partners, met Anneka at a special meeting and explained what medals were, why they are important, and gave some suggestions on what any award might be named as (subsequently it was named the Challenge Anneka Medal), in addition, we spoke about why the Cadet services were important, our feelings on their work and how they benefit the Cadets as a whole, as well as some of us giving some history on our own Cadet service as well as military service, in addition, I relayed a story of my Great Grandfather's Naval medal set (which I wore along with my own GSM Northern Ireland), and his service, etc.

Subsequently, 3 of us, Girish Patel, Chris Curtis, and myself volunteered to help out at the main build for a few hours, and we were pressed into service clearing up the jetty area, dismantling a load of scrap scaffolding, and clearing various rubbish from the site.

Then today, Girish and I went down to help out a bit more as well as attend the "Big Reveal" that was really well received by all concerned.

It's been a fantastic opportunity to share our group, the brand, and a chance to help out with a worthy cause, that has certainly helped me personally, regarding some struggles I have had with my Mental Health, therefore if any of the other clubs get the opportunity, I wholeheartedly encourage them to get involved in any way that they can!